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Yonkers Public Schools

Yonkers Public Schools

The Yonkers Public Schools District, fourth largest in New York State, is dedicated to the academic success and well-being of over 26,000 students. Within the District’s thirty nine schools, highly qualified educators present an array of innovative curricula while emphasizing post-secondary goals. The significance of the elementary program “College is in My Future” presaged the Yonkers Public Schools achieving the highest graduation rate among New York State’s “Big 5,” and District graduates earning $51 million in scholarships and acceptances to prestigious colleges.

With regard to forward-thinking initiatives, the Yonkers Public Schools pre-kindergarten program surpasses the current federal effort to implement pre-k on a national level. The Yonkers Public Schools further enhanced this concept via pre-kindergarten through eighth grade restructuring, operational in nineteen District elementary schools. Such restructuring provides students with familiarity of environment, and results in higher levels of achievement, improved attendance, and more rigorous high-school preparatory course offerings.

Innovation is also evident on the secondary level with smaller learning communities in eight specialized high schools. Yonkers Middle High, an International Baccalaureate School, earned a U.S. News & World Report gold ranking as the top high school in Westchester County, fourth in New York State, and twenty-fourth among 20,000 other high schools in the nation. Saunders Trades and Technical High School, a 21st century national role model that merges academic and vocational studies, achieved the magazine’s silver ranking. In September 2013, Yonkers Montessori Academy became the only public pre-kindergarten to twelfth grade school in the nation. Early College High School is already participating in the SUNY Smart Scholars Program that enables students to earn college credits while attending high school.

At the same time that innovative instruction is of utmost importance, the Yonkers Public Schools is also pioneering Performance Based Infrastructure (PBI) to address capital improvement. The goal of PBI is to rebuild aging schools, and provide state-of-the-art facilities. The fulfillment of this proposal would not only benefit the children of Yonkers, but would additionally catapult the District to another “national first.”

The Yonkers Public Schools mission to champion excellence in education is supported by the steadfastness, proficiency, and resolve of students, educators, staff, parents and guardians, elected officials, post secondary and business partners, and members of the community. Such collaboration enables the education of future leaders who will enrich their families, communities, and country.

Private/Parochial Schools

Private Parochial Schools

In addition to the city’s public education system, Yonkers offers parents and guardians the choice of private and parochial education for their children. These schools offer the same high quality curriculum as the city’s public schools with the addition of religious education.

Roman Catholic Schools:

Annunication School
465 Westchester Avenue, (914) 337-8760, school.annunciationcrestwood.com

Sacred Heart Grade School
108 Shonnard Place, (914) 963-5318, www.shgsyonkers.org

Sacred Heart High School
34 Convent Avenue, (914) 965-3114, www.sacredhearths.net

St. Ann’s School
40 Brewster Avenue, (914) 965-4333, www.stannschoolyonkers.org

St. Anthony’s School
1395 Nepperhan Avenue, (914) 476-8489

St. Eugene’s School
707 Tuckahoe Road, (914) 779-2956, www.steugene.info/

St. John the Baptist School
670 Yonkers Avenue, (914) 965-2356

St. Paul the Apostle School
77 Lee Avenue, (914) 965-2165, www.stpaulyonkers.org/school/html

St. Peter’s School
204 Hawthorne Avenue, (914) 963-2314, www.stpetersny.com

Baptist Schools:

Hudson View Christian Academy
170 Hudson Terrace, (914) 968-7047, hudsonviewbaptistchurch.org/christian-academy/

Lutheran Schools:

St. Mark’s Lutheran School
Kimball Avenue and St. Mark’s Place, (914) 237-4944, www.smlsyonkers.com

Jewish Schools:

Stein Yeshiva of Lincoln Park
311 Central Park Avenue, (914) 965-7082, www.steinyeshiva.org

Other Private Schools:

Yonkers Christian Academy
229 North Broadway, (914) 963-0507, www.yonkerschristianacademy.com

Special Education:

SAIL (The School for Adaptive & Integrative Learning at Ferncliff Manor)
1154 Saw Mill River Road, (914) 968-4854, www.ferncliffmanor.com

Fred S. Keller School
1373 Nepperhan Avenue, (914) 965-1152, www.cabasschools.org/fred-s-keller-school

The Orchard School
Andrus Julia Dyckman Home, 1156 North Broadway, (914) 965-3700, www.andruschildren.org

Westchester School for Special Children
45 Park Avenue, (914) 376-4300, www.westchesterschool.org

Richmond Children’s Center, Inc
929 North Broadway, (914) 968-1900, www.richmondcommserv.org

Leake & Watts
463 Hawthorne Avenue, (914) 375-8700, www.leakeandwatts.org

John A. Coleman School at Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center
300 Corporate Blvd.South, (914) 294-6300, www.setonpediatric.org


Sarah Lawrence College
One Mead Way, Bronxville, NY 10708, www.slc.edu

Sarah Lawrence College is a private, coeducational liberal arts institution of higher learning. It is a lively community of students, scholars and artists offering outstanding programs of study in the humanities, the natural sciences, and mathematics, history and the social sciences, and the creative and performing arts. Founded in 1926, the college is located on a 40-acre tree-filled campus and attracts its 1,000 undergraduates from 41 states and 35 foreign countries.

Westchester Community College Yonkers Extension Center
8510 Mall Walk at Cross County Shopping Center, Yonkers, (914) 606-7100, www.sunywcc.edu

Located in the Cross County Shopping Center, WCC offers seven-week intensive format technology courses. After each seven week cycle, a second cycle begins immediately. The school’s mission is to provide computer technology courses and programs to those seeking job opportunities and career advancement. Technology classes geared toward those 55 or older are also available at the site, in addition to coursework in ESL (English as a Second Language). Financial Aid may be available to those students who qualify. A job developer will be available to students on site to assist them in revising their resumes to reflect their newly acquired technical skills, and refresh interviewing techniques. For further information, e-mail to: crosscounty@sunywcc.edu, or visit them on the web at: www.sunywcc.edu

College of Mount Saint Vincent
6301 Riverdale Avenue, Bronx, (718) 405-3267, www.mountsaintvincent.edu

On a 70-acre campus of rolling lawns and wooded hills overlooking the Hudson River, the College of Mount St. Vincent offers excellent academic and professional programs to more than 1,800 undergraduate and graduate students. From its founding by the Sisters of Charity in 1847, the College of Mount Saint Vincent has grown and changed as the times required, including forging a partnership with Manhattan College to share majors and resources. Today, the Mount is highly ranked by U.S. News & World Report in the second tier of regional liberal arts colleges in the North.

Saint Joseph’s Seminary
201 Seminary Avenue, Yonkers, (914) 968-6200, www.dunwoodie.edu

The mission of Saint Joseph’s Seminary and College is to form and educate men to serve as priests of Jesus Christ for the Archdiocese of New York, other dioceses and religious communities. The Seminary also educates and forms candidates for ordination as Permanent Deacons. Through its Institute of Religious Studies, the Seminary provides graduate theological education to laity, religious and clergy.

St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
575 Scarsdale Road, Yonkers, (914) 961-2203,  www.svots.edu

St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is a graduate professional school chartered and approved by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York and accredited nationally by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. Established in 1938, St. Vladimir’s goal is to serve Orthodox theology through education, publications and the ministry of its graduates.